Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cat Thief returns! on a shirt

As Promised the Cat Thief is now available on t shirt form, and also some process sketches. You can order online @ 1percenttalent.com or pick one up locally (Toronto) @ function13.

"this one was originally some kind of alien cat, but ended up as a Cat Theif"
"I looks like candy corn"

"Ready for an invasion!!"

"invading alleys"



Jeannie said...

I wanna sticker! pleaespleaseplease :)

Unknown said...

If you happen to even bump into me, I might have some :D

K said...

Oh man I can't wait to get one of these. You're going to be at Fanexpo this year right??

Unknown said...

Oh no, I wan't be @ fanexpo this yr,

K said...

Awwww...profound sadness.