Sunday, February 24, 2008

Muta Friends

"I would like to first thank those are supporting mutabear :) they thank you too"

So this week we had a table sale so I tried to make a couple new mutabears I'm happy that some have found a new home :) but some are still looking. This week I'm gonna try to open a Esty store. Before that however, I'd like to have more mutabears to sell, wish me luck. If you want a mutabear now, please contact me directly :)

"this mutabear has been sold :)"

"this mutbear has been sold :)"

"this mutabear is at the C1 Art Space"


Hyein Lee said...

Look at them all hanging out!
So cute!

Jeffrey Cheung said...

Hey i want one, but how much are each?

Lisa Wang said...

Those are too cute >_<