Saturday, August 30, 2008

YES Gocco Print

I have a gocco printer. I got it sometime ago but never really used it, so this is my very first print on it, and some process shots. There was a print run of 50, the measure 4''x6'' and I am selling them, Please contact me if you are interested.



"Colour 1"

"Colour 2"

"Colour 3"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tee-Shirt Madness

Here are some of this seasons hottest designs. sorry for my bad picture taking skill, I do need a new camera. Thanks to all those who got a shirt from me @ the conventions, and those who didn't for contacting me. I'm all out @ this moment, but I'll be printing again soon, anyone else untested just email me :) Those who already did, I'll get back to you asap :)

"Squiggly Squid front"

"Squiggly Squid Back"

"Fish Shirt front"

"fish Shirt Back"

"Dearly front"

"Dearly Back"
Chu Helped with the dearly shirt

All designs are currently being printed on Alternative Apparel shirts, and they are really nice

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Emobot D:

A piece i did for the Awol's squarefoot show thats coming up real soon, Aug 16

"Lost and confused, poor guy"

"Click to make bigger"

Monday, August 04, 2008

Love u Dearly,

So heres the final of the dearly shirt that was a colaboration bewteen me and Chu, Check out her amazing stuff too :) HERE

"Dearly sitting around"

"with a tail behind"

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Doe A Deer

A sneak peak to a new collaborative tee shirt design between Chu Zhang and myself. first print run I'll be printing only 16. Check out her blog, HERE

"Its not finished yet D:"